
Ostoskori on tyhjä.


Ostoskori on tyhjä.

Junkkari 2024 in english

JUNKKARI 28.9. – 30.9.2024 in Lapua, Simpsiö Ski Center

Junkkari Breeding Inspection is a great event for the Saksanseisojakerho (Club for Continental Pointing Dogs in Finland), which is arranged annually in late September in Lapua municipality.

Junkkari’s purpose is to gather young continental pointing dogs in the same event to assess the built-in hunting characteristics and overall impression according to breed standard to help the breeding.
In Junkkari, dogs from the FCI 7.1 group (continental pointing dogs) who are 9 – but not yet 24 months can participate. The dog can participate in Junkkari only once.


The field Trial (KAER-koe) for German Wire-haired Pointing Dogs, German Long-haired Pointing dogs, Brittanies, Münsterlanders are in the field trial on Saturday 28.9.2024, and German short-haired Pointing Dogs and the rest of breeds on Sunday 29.9.2024. Depending on the number of the dogs, the organizers reserve the opportunity to move some of the breeds to another day.

Subscriptions electronically from 1.7 to 14.8.2024.

Saturday 28.9.2024 subscription form: SSK tietokanta – Trial calendar (saksanseisojakerho.fi)
Sunday 29.9.2024 subscription form: SSK tietokanta – Trial calendar (saksanseisojakerho.fi)

You can change language in the end of the menu.

The participation fee during 1.7. – 7.8 2024 is 70 € for members and 100 € for non-members and during 8.8.-14.8.2024 140 € for all. No registrations afterwards.

If you have questions about the event, please send email to junkkari.kyselyt@saksanseisojakerho.fi.
Participation fee is to be paid to Saksanseisojakerho ry club’s account upon registration
Account number: IBAN FI 94 1841 3000 0020 01 (BIC code: NDEAFIHH)

In the payment you need to specify the dog’s official name, breed, register number and owner’s name in the message box. A payment receipt or a copy of it has to be shown at the competition office on site in Lapua.


For more information about the event, visit the website www.saksanseisojakerho.fi.
You can also get valuable information about the event from your breeder and other bird dog enthusiasts. If you cannot find the answer to your question you can email us at
Junkkari is a two-part breeding inspection, where one assesses the dog’s appearance exhibition and built-in hunting properties on field trial. Due to the large number of participants in different breeds, assessment of appearance and the field trial is divided into two different days.


Saturday 28.9.2024
– KAER field trial for German wire-haired pointers German long-haires pointers and Münterlanders – starting time and place will be published about week before in the homepage www. Saksanseisojakerho.fi and Facebook in Junkkari/SSK -page
– Exhibition at the Simpsiö Ski Center, (Simpsiörinteentie 28 62100 Lapua, Finland).

Sunday 29.9.2024
– KAER field trial for German short-haired pointers and other breeds – starting time and place will be published about week before in the homepage www. Saksanseisojakerho.fi and Facebook in Junkkari/SSK -page
– Exhibition at the Simpsiö Ski Center, (Simpsiörinteentie 28
62100 Lapua, Finland).

Monday 30.9.2024
Junkkari competitions final, starts at hotel Simpsiönkullas (Yläkalliontaival 12, 62100 Lapua) near road Mastotie.

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